Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Full of delicious FLUFF / Children Photographer, Brooklyn, NY

I had the great pleasure of shooting a cute little baby boy on Sunday. From the get-go he was friendly and full of exuberant smiles! We put some nice music on to keep him (and his parents) smiling and relaxed, and got some awesome shots. We also introduced him to cheerios.. oh, you gotta see the funny faces he made! :)

Like this --

I'm truly looking forward to his next visit and hopefully be able to get some shots of the entire fam!

The reason they call him Fluffy --

Ok, someone's had enough!

Oh, yeah. Of course after every shoot, I put my own kid in there, and take some shots afterwards..

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring Cleaning Makes Me Think of Photography! aka I Remember When.

Ok, I'll be first to admit that I've been one-track minded lately. Many times when I see an interesting object, a cool place, a funky accessory, I envision how I would use it in portraits. I guess I haven't been cleaning a whole lot in the past, but as I clean my closet of clothing I no longer use, it got me thinking...

Similar to the post 2 days ago where I "talked" about people, and by people I mean adults getting in front of the camera no matter how camera shy they are. Because, when you grow old you'll want to know what you looked like as you are today. (hello, is anybody listening?). Maybe I should get to the point.

As I sort my clothing and pack some away to give to charity, I can't help but reminisce about how long I've had it. Some of these shirts and jackets I wore throughout my 20s. How interesting would it be to see a picture of myself wearing these clothes when I'm older.. Think about it. Aren't there some articles of clothing from your childhood you absolutely can't forget?I have some. There was a blue plaid shirt my brothers had, and in fact they were wearing it one Purim years ago, that I just can't forget about. Probably because throughout the years of looking through the old family photos, it just stuck in my mind. One of my neighbors kids' last year had that shirt and I remembered right away that my brothers had that shirt eons ago. Then there was this houndstooth dress that will be in my memory forever. My older sister who was in 4th grade hated that dress with a passion. I was in 1st grade and was obsessed with the dress because my teacher "had the same". Of course school uniforms go without saying. Purim which is one of the Jewish holidays people don't forget to take pictures, so the memories of what you dressed up as when you were a child are there. I also have a recollection of a white shoe I had with black polka dots, and remember playing ball while wearing it, and being very concerned about my shoes. (I was a bad player to begin with and really didn't need that extra distraction). Oh, and I wont forget those american-made sturdy shoes my mom used to buy!

As you throw away some toys that are old and broken, you don't think about how one day your child may remember that (and if you have a picture of them playing with it, they are very likely to). How many of you remember that drag-along thingamajigee with popping balls inside? I know they still sell them but I remember playing with it. Or the old-fashion xylophone? Cabbage patch dolls were all the rage. I remember when I got it and who got it for me. Mmmm... I'm getting off track here.. This is a blog. You can forget about me thinking about how to exit this train of thought with eloquence. ha ha.

Maybe this isn't your typical blog post, but I will still "publish post"... Maybe one day I will add those old-time photos of me and that houndstooth dress, and my brothers in the blue plaid shirt, but probably not.

Adios for now.

Tip of the day: Does your child have a security blanket or toy? Capture an image with him or her with it. You and your child will treasure the memory forever.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Newborn / Stellarpix Photography, Brooklyn, New York

"Making the decision to have a child... its momentous.. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." - Elizabeth Stone

There is nobody (ok, maybe not nobody.. but almost) that doesn't appreciate the deliciousness of a newborn! The scent of baby powder, the tiny little fingers and toes, the peaceful sleep (lets not talk about the crying here.. we're thinking all cherry and cream here. ok?). Newborns are so indescribably yummy but the stage passes by very fast! It is important to capture those moments right after birth. In fact, the first 12 days of birth is optimal for newborn portraits.

Regardless if you're taking your baby to a professional or taking pictures by yourself, don't miss those moments. You may think that pictures of a sleeping baby is boring - it may be boring for you right now, but in just a few months from now, even weeks that baby will be a lot bigger, and you'll have a great memory and image of him or her as a real newborn.

I've asked a few people about newborn pictures for their newborn. It seems that there is an old-fashioned idea still out there, to wait for their baby to sit up before they take portraits of them. As far as professional pictures go, that is certainly a personal choice - but the newborn stage is so precious. Those images would be treasured forever. Regardless if you would take newborn pics in a professional studio, definately start taking pictures on your own from the moment your child is born! Don't miss those tender moments.

Tip of the day: If you take pictures of your baby when he's naked, put the blanket you intend to use in the dryer for 5-10 minutes for warmth.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Photography Update / Children's Photographer, Brooklyn, New York

Hi. I know its been a long time.. Interesting enough, I actually like writing, but can't seem to add the blogging to my "photography workflow". We are now working on building a studio, but still rocking out those pictures in my home.

I went to a seminar yesterday, which by the way, was a complete waste of time as far as technique goes. But, even if you get inspired to pick up your camera more often to capture little moments, its all worth it. The presenter basically showed lots of pictures of himself from his past. Too much of that, really. (oy!) but it made me think. Regardless of the kind of camera you have, just shoot! Take pictures of simple things that you may think is stupid now. 10,20 years from now those pictures will be a memory. The simple fact of reflecting in the future will bring you joy. You'll laugh at the fashion choices you are making now, laughing at the graphic design of food package labels, laughing at hairstyles, laughing at your home decor - the same way we laugh at photos that are 20 years old now. Also, give the camera to someone else and let them take a picture of you! You may be camera shy now, but when you're 60, you'll want to see yourself as you look today..

World renowned photographer Jay Maisel has this anecdote he tells often. Someone asked him, "Jay, how come you take your camera with you all the time?" to which he answers "Its easier to take pictures that way."

With that said, I decided to take my camera out today. Since it was a beautiful sunny day, I went to Union Square Park where there are always interesting things to see. It is actually not that comfortable walking around with a big camera for me, but part of training your eyes to see things differently, comes with the experience and comfortability of taking many many shots. So what I look like a tourist. I didn't take many shots, but I saw this guy painting amazing t-shirts by hand, and took a picture.

As you can see, I also took some pics of my baby, who is growing up sooo fast! The playground section in Union Square Park in New York was built over so beautifully, I hope to go back there with all the kids soon.

I am really going to try to blog daily.. seriously. I have a lot of studio shots to show you, but I'll leave this post as a reflection of my thoughts right now.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Random pictures...

I've really been neglecting my blog, so I decided to at least post some recent pics, and then start to really post regularly.